Monday, 26 September 2011

Joseph Beuys -- Hamburger Bahnhof

OMG I thought I was about to stop breathing as I turned the corner to the left wing of the Hamburger Bahnhof. It was completely dedicated to Joseph Beuys. The rooms stretched on and on into the distance. Four rooms away I could see the felt suit hanging on the wall and not in a glass case. Everything I had drooled over in books and lots that I did not know even existed was there in right in front of me. This is only a small selection of photographs from that day.

Joseph Beuys -- Hamburger Banhauf

Joseph Beuys -- Hamburger Bahnhof

Gartenskulptur--Dieter Roth/ Bjorn Roth Hamburger Bahnhof

Tomas Saraceno -- Cloud Cities -- Hamburger Bahnhof

Cloud Cities was just being set up when I was in Berlin but it was just as enjoyable being allowed to watch them set it up and take lots of photos.


Robert Smithson --Hamburger Bahnhof

Robert Smithson   

Robert Rauchenberg ,Cy Twombly, Anselm Kiefer at Hamburger Bahnhof